06.06.2017 18:00
Gameplay Trailer released
THQ Nordic have released a short gameplay trailer about Elex on their Youtube channel. Some of the scenes from the trailer are already known from recent gameplay videos, but there's new stuff as well. The music is a bit outlandish, however.
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- Written by Ravenhearth
04.06.2017 12:00
PC Games about decisions in Elex
From the german magazine PC Games there comes another article about Elex. This time it's about decisions and how these are portrayed and made clear. This article mostly is from the recent preview in their magazine, too.
The system is being compared with the games of Telltale, because in Elex there will be a clear indication which effects a made decision or chosen dialogue option will have. Additionally, the coldness value will change based on the decisions, which again can open up or lock new dialogue options and is supposed to influence the ending.
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- Written by Ravenhearth
03.06.2017 18:00
PC Games article about the combat system
Today, german magazine PC Games released an article about the combat system of Elex. This article mostly is from the recent preview in the PC Games 06/2017 magazine. In it, editor Peter Bathge explains the improvements of the combat system compared to the Risen series and also mentions the new stamina bar and combo attacks.
However, animations are being criticized again, as well as the ranged weapons, which lack power, and the hit feedback. Also the combat system can't match the complexity and precision of something like Dark Souls or The Surge, because they're still too chaotic. Because of the weapon variety and the jetpack the fights are diverse though, according to PC Games.
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- Written by Ravenhearth
03.06.2017 14:00
Elex will be presented at Gamescom
The RPC is just over and we already look forward to the next gaming convention, the Gamescom in Cologne. Because Elex was delayed to October it would be logical for Piranha Bytes and THQ Nordic to present the games there in August. And indeed: In our forums Michael Rüve from Piranha Bytes confirms that Elex is present at Gamescom this year again. Of course we will go there as well and report to you!
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- Written by Ravenhearth
03.06.2017 10:00
Preview Video by SG Gaming Info
On the Youtube channel of gaming website SG Gaming Info a new preview video has been released, which shows gameplay scenes that were unknown up until now. As in his preview the editor introduces the game in general, criticizes the combat, but praises the other game mechanics.
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- Written by Ravenhearth
03.06.2017 06:00
When Elex was supposed to be released
In an article the german PC Games explains why they originally mentioned August as the release date and when the game was supposed to be released exactly. According to the article, the 15th August was mentioned when they visited Piranha Bytes and played Elex there.
However, on all information there was an embargo up to 1st June, excluding the newest issue of their magazine, so they announced August as a release date, which they later had to correct, only hours before the final release date dropped. As we already reported, Elex was delayed in the last minute because of the console versions. Now the RPG is going to be released on 17th October 2017.
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- Written by Ravenhearth
02.06.2017 18:00
World Map further completed!
Based on Gronkh's Elex preview we had made a nearly complete world map a month ago. With yesterday's preview video by PC Games, in which further parts of the world map were revealed, we were able to further complete our map with additional screenshots.
We have put the image into the full news because of spoilers. In order to see it, just click on "Read more"!
- Written by Ravenhearth
02.06.2017 16:00
Video by PC Games about the factions
Alongside the preview, about which we have reported yesterday, german magazine PC Games has uploaded another video about Elex, in which they talk about the three available factions and show new gameplay.
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- Written by Tschlompf, Ravenhearth
02.06.2017 14:00
No Elex Trial Planned
From german magazine PC Games the news arrives that there won't be a freely available trial for Elex. According to the article, Piranha Bytes wants to introduce the game to gamers rather through conventions like the RPC. The missing of a trial version isn't anything new however, since there wasn't one for Risen 3 already.
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- Written by Ravenhearth
02.06.2017 12:00
More Elex Previews
Other websites have released previews about Elex yesterday as well. We have compiled a short list for you here. In order to get to the previews, simply click on the website's name.
Gamereactor: Starting from the beginning, we only got to talk to a few characters and swing a few weapons, and didn't get to really feel the extent of the content around us, but from what we saw we thought Elex looked very promising.
Polygon: But, to be completely frank, this feels like too much game for Piranha Bytes to pull off. It’s interesting, but my experience so far has not filled me with confidence.
SG Gaming Info: ELEX is an interesting concept, the merging of sci-fi and fantasy elements appear hit and miss, but its RPG elements appear solid and potentially the best element of the game.
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- Written by Ravenhearth