We have received a great gift from Piranhas to mark the opening of our site! This four exclusive screenshots from the latest version of the game are taken in April, and they have been specially made for WOE.com.
In addition, the Piranha sent us four exclusive artworks, some of which depict things already familiar to everyone, but they also contain something new. So check them out below (and after the break!), or in our galleries:
- Screenshot Gallery
- Artwork Gallery
The following screenshots are from the new build from april 2016. This means that many things can change until the release in 2017 (textures, characters, colours, weather and so on):
A screenshot from below a gate with a view of Edan.
A screenshot of a sword fight with a "Reißer"(reaper?)
A screenshot of ranged combat into the distance. Here you can see how big our world is.
. A screenshot of the hero with a speargun. Of course there are many ruins in our world...
An Artwork from 2015 showing the mood infront of a waterfall in Edan
A mood artwork from 2015 showing the science fantasy setting. Elex will be a game full of opposites. Here you can see the hero meeting a drone
An artwork from the inside of a alb converter. In the converters Elex is being extracted from living beings and objects.
An art design of different kinds of weapons: chainsword, mace, speargun